Friday, September 28, 2012


     Hi there, I'm QAnnie.  I am a mom. A mom of twin boys. Everett and Michael. They are six yrs old. I decided to write a blog to share my journey as a mother  and share all that I have learned from professionals, friends, and the wise...

     Some things to know about me..I am a terrible speller. Sorry. I use lots of sarcasm (so don't take me to seriously). I love my boys...really love my boys. They have melted my heart, caused me to cry, laugh, yell, tested my limits, scared me to death, caused  sleepless nights, and yet they have  shown me a love that I never knew existed .

    My children have taught me how to think out of the box, be innovative during sticky moments, to believe in myself ...and in them. I have made mistakes, a lot of them.  I have also learned to do some things right.  Most importantly, I have learned to never give up or second guess my children.
 Especially at those moments when you are sure you think that you have them all figured out.

     I am not an expert, doctor, or  teacher.  I don't know everything and have been wrong many times.  I do know one thing.  Being a mother has taught me allot. There are things I know now that I didn't know then.  If I reflect back, I would not have sweated the small stuff, as well as know that I could and would handle the big stuff.

     I want to share my experience as a mother.  Everything from: sensory issues, Pandas, Highstrung Temperaments, negative attention, as well as some lightweighted but important issues: potty training (I really did it in one day!), fears of lightening/thunder, etc....

     The list is endless.

   So I hope you mothers, fathers, walk along with me on this journey, and perhaps all learn from each other!  We can only hope for wisdom and a good nights sleep,  Good night.  QAnnie                                                                                                                                                                             


  1. can i please call you over phone sometime ?
    i live in NJ and I have a 5 year old with pandas.
    i have so many questions.. thanks a bunch

    1. Hi Lavanya, I would be glad to speak with you. I have sent you an email. Please send me your phone number and I will gladly call you. Qannie


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